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CoViD-19: Skeleton Crew Consequence

I know that I preach a lot on training your people, but mistakes can be extremely dangerous. I just got this from Gleason Steam and wanted to pass it along. In this case it was an awfully expensive mistake to the company’s bottom line. Check out Gleason Steam for training your boiler techs.

During the current crisis, we are being increasingly contacted by steam system managers whose systems have been negatively impacted by a lack of experienced personnel. One of these instances involves a manufacturing facility whose production has been suffering from inconsistent or "sloppy" steam pressure regulation following a recent pressure-reducing valve rebuild. Online troubleshooting - using photographs and discussion - allowed us to easily identify several contributing factors. One of those factors is highlighted here.

In this case, due to lack of knowledge, the valve's pressure-sensing line was installed incorrectly, causing the pilot to provide improper and inconsistent feedback to the main valve. The sensing line must be pitched downward from the pilot to ensure that no condensate pools against it. This mistake caused rejected product, four production shutdowns, and significant headaches for staff. Forced skeleton crews and unusual circumstances encouraged these mistakes.

Give Gleason Steam a call (901) 212-8323

Stay healthy everybody,


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