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Groundhog Day

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

So many times, I have posted information from Dr. Klaus M. Blache who is director of the Reliability & Maintainability Center at the Univ. of Tennessee. and a research professor in the College of Engineering. A question was asked, “How important is resilience in driving reliability results? His answer was a reference to the 1993 movie Groundhog Day.

As Bill Murray wakes on February 3, he discovers that it is Groundhog Day again and every following day. He realizes that he is in some kind of time loop. Bill Murray could change his behavior, but for others it is always that day. Eventually his resilience and positive outlook save him.

This sounds somewhat like the past six months for many of us. Just like Bill Murray in the movie, it will require a positive behavioral change to alter the situation. During this first half of 2020, I have seen three reactions to our pandemic situation.

1) upset and complaining

2) concerned and waiting for a solution or a return to normal

3) focused on improvement action items, regardless of the new normal, i.e. How can I make a positive difference given the current situation?

Researchers at the Univ. of Cincinnati found that 85% of what we worry about never happens. In addition. the study found that 79% of the participants handled the 15% that does happen in a way that was better than expected or resulted in a good learning lesson. This means that 97% of what you worry over is not much more than your own mind's angst. All that worry can have a negative effect.

More recent findings (sciencedirect.comiscienceiarticle/abs/Rii/S0005789419300826#!) have shown that 91.4% of predicted worries did not come true for participants. Actually. the most common amount of untrue worries per person was 100% meaning it never came to fruition.

Why is this being written about? It is because I see people grappling with uncertainty, too many businesses struggling, some at the tipping point with no clear best answer for all. I hope this message is clear. Do not worry about things that, for the most part, will not happen. Control what you can control in your job, at home, and for the future. What should you and can you learn that is needed in what may be the new normal? Be positive and prepare to be successful in the new normal. During this COVID-19 time, I have seen businesses improve their performance (while following strict PPE and social distancing). I have witnessed small companies that had to completely redefine themselves and are doing well. They did not like what was happening and took forward-looking action.

In 2017. before the current pandemic, the McKinsey Global Institute estimated that about 375-million workers would need to switch occupations or acquire new skills by 2030 because of automation and artificial intelligence. Now, being able to reskill and upskill the workforce has become even more critical. It is much more than just talking about working remotely.

While every human shares 99% of their DNA with every other human, some clearly have a way of thriving even when times are tough. That difference can be explained by a trait known as resilience, which has been defined as the ability to adapt well in a positive way toward adversity. I would also add the word tenacity.

The U.S. Army defines resilience as the mental, physical, emotional, and behavioral ability to face and cope with adversity, adapt to change, recover, learn, and grow from setbacks. Resilient people do not just bounce back and try again. They realistically assess the situation and do what is necessary, for as long as is necessary, to come back better and stronger to increase the likelihood of success. Whatever is the current crisis, a personal event, a reliability issue, or any other work challenge, be resilient and tenacious, grow and come back better.

Thank you Dr. Blache and Efficient Plant.

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